Noble Strawberry

V. Albán, Native Nobleman of Quito in Festive Attire, 1783 (courtesy of Museo de América, Madrid).
Elisa and Ana Sevilla

In 1783, the Quito painter Vicente Albán produced a striking series of six oil canvases portraying costumed locals in their natural environs consuming or peddling the region’s fruits in what is today Ecuador. The fruits depicted included guava, several varieties of passion fruit, an Andean cherry called capuli, papaya, coconut, avocado, chirimoya, chilguacanes, chamburos, mameys, pitahayas, obos and a variety of plantains. But the most pervasive fruit in the series is the Andean strawberry or frutilla. Indio principal de Quito en trage de Gala makes an explicit aesthetic connection between the colourful attire of the local inhabitants and the fruits of the land. This aspect struck many European visitors to the New World during the period, including Spanish scientists Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa. Ulloa – who, like Mutis, hailed from Andalusia –described American fruits as ‘monstrous’ gifts of nature that graced the opulent tables of Quito. In this painting, the native nobleman of Quito holds a plate brimming with huge, luscious strawberries in one hand while he tastes one with his other hand. The white inside of the Ambato strawberry is clearly visible.

Further reading
  • Sevilla, A., and E. Sevilla (2018) ‘Semillas andinas, invernaderos escoceses y herbarios londinenses en la red de Charles Darwin’, in Darwin y el darwinismo desde el sur del sur, edited by M. Miranda, G. Vallejo, R. Ruiz, and M.Á. Puig Samper, 257–76 (Madrid: Doce Calles).
  • Finn, C.E.E., J.B. Retamales, G.A. Lobos, and J.F. Hancock (2013) ‘The Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis): over 1000 years of domestication’, HortScience, 48 (4): 418–21.
  • Darrow, G.M. (1966) The Strawberry (New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston).
  • Wohletz, S. (2017) ‘Strange fruit: Vicente Albán’s Quito Series and local ways of seeing in the era of colonial enlightenment’, in La Península Ibérica, El Caribe y América Latina: diálogos a través del comercio, la ciencia y la técnica (siglos XIX–XX), edited by A. de Abreu Xavier (Évora: Publicacoes do Cidehus), https://doi. org/10.4000/books.cidehus.2929.
  • Stratton, S., and J. de Bustamante (2012) The Art of Painting in Colonial Quito – El arte de la pintura en Quito colonial (Philadelphia, PA: Saint Joseph’s University Press).