the cabinet


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Welcome! We (my frisky little baby and myself) are delighted to be your guides to this wonderful cabinet. We were painted in 1799 by Louise Thiebaut, who in turn based his painting on drawings and observations made in Peru. We are among the 381 figures that make up the Quadro del Peru.

We would love to show you 7 wonders of our cabinet! Ready?

click here to cotinue


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Welcome! I am delighted to introduce you to the ARTIFICIALIA gallery of this wonderful cabinet. I was painted in 1799 by Louis Thiebaut, who in turn based his painting on drawings and observations made in Peru. I am among the 381 figures that make up the Quadro del Peru

To learn more about the QUADRO DEL PERÚ and for an introduction to the cabinet as a whole, please click on the Guide.

In this section, you will learn about fascinating cultural or artistic objects of knowledge, most of which are originally from the New World or Americas.


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Welcome! I am delighted to introduce you to the NATURALIA gallery of this wonderful cabinet. I was painted in 1799 by Louise Thiebaut, who in turn based his painting on drawings and observations made in Peru. I am among the 381 figures that make up the Quadro del Peru.

To learn more about the “QUADRO DEL PERU” and for an introduction to the cabinet as a whole, please click on the Guide.

In this section, you will learn about intriguing objects of knowledge that have to do with the natural world. Most are originally from the New World or Americas.


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Welcome! I am delighted to introduce you to the LIBRARY of this wonderful cabinet. I was painted in 1799 by Louise Thiebaut, who in turn based his painting on drawings and knowledge made in Peru. I am among the 381 figures that make up the Quadro del Peru.

To learn more about the “QUADRO DEL PERU” and for an introduction to the cabinet as a whole, please click on the Guide.

In this section, you will learn about and be able to gain access to key books and manuscripts that have made a historical contribution to global knowledge of the New World or Americas.