Aztec calendrics as Christian memory

azteca calendrics
Aztec calendrics as Christian mnemonic devices. Valadés, Rhetorica christiana.
Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra

Rhetorica christiana included a detailed account of the techniques and images used by Franciscan friars in Mexico to convert and catechise natives, including not only Nahuas but also Chichimecas, Otomís and Tarascans. Valadés offered countless illustrations devised by Flemish friars like Peter of Ghent and Juan Focher to secure the conversion of both Nahua elites in central Mexico and stateless Chichimec polities in the northern frontiers. Valades expanded and recreated Renaissance memory palaces of mnemonic alphabets in the Tarascan, Otomi and Nahuatl languages. Valadés included illustrations of Aztec calendrical wheels of 52-year, 20-month cycles that he argued worked as mnemonic aids for native elites.

Further reading
  • Carruthers, M. (1990) The Book of Memory (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press).
  • de la Maza, F. (1945) Fray Diego Valadés: escritor y grabador franciscano del siglo XVI (Mexico City: UNAM Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas).
  • Palomera, E.J. (1988) Fray Diego Valadés, OFM, evangelizador humanista de la Nueva España: el hombre, su época y su obra (Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana).
  • Spence, J.D. (1984) The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci (New York, NY: Viking Penguin).
  • Yates, F.A. (1966) The Art of Memory (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press).