Cooperating Projects

The following projects are participating thanks to the cooperation of the speech communities, who have allowed the incorporation of audio, video and text material into the language archive. Our goal is not only the collection and incorporation of recordings but also the fomentation of documentation, archaeological, anthropological projects within communities.

Chachi: The Cha’palaa documentation project is currently being undertaken by Simeon Floyd, researcher at the Max Planck Institue for Psycholinguistics, with the assistance of native speaker consultants Johnny Pianchiche, Rebeca San Nicolás and Lucrecia San Nicolás. Pilot research was conducted in 2005 and 2006 in collaboration with Connie Dickinson and was supported by the Han Rausing Foundation. Documentation continued with Floyd’s doctoral research in 2008 and 2009, supported by the Fulbright program and the US National Science Foundation. Materials include a video corpus of more than eighty hours of recordings of conversation, narrative, traditional stories, songs, ceremonies and other cultural practices, and ethnographic interviews from different Chachi communities in the Cayapas River region. Current research in sponsored by the Max Planck Institute (part of the ERC project Human Systems of Sociality and Language Use directed by Nick Enfield) and focuses on conversational interaction.

Amazonian Kichwa: The documentation Project of the Amazonian Kichwa language within the Nuevo Paraíso community, located in the Tena area, Napo province, started in July 2011. The goal is to register cultural practices covering a wide range of topics and contexts –from traditional histories and rituals to daily life conversations-. All this primary material will be transcribed and translated by indigenous speakers, forming a database of preliminary words that will serve subsequent analysis and future use. This project is being financially supported by Flacso Ecuador, and employ the Kichwa documentalists Edwin Shiguango, Marcos Ledesma, Nilo Licuy; as well as the researchers Connie Dickinson, Pamela Quiñones, Saúl Uribe and  Patricia Bermúdez.

Shuar: In 2006, the Project Shuar began when Tuntiak Katan approached the researcher Connie Dickinson and asked for training in language documentation. They are currently working with a group of young Shuar and they have compiled thirty hours of video recordings on contemporary cultural practices from the Shuar nationality. This project has primarily been funded with assistance from Connie Dickinson and Mauricio Gnerre.

Tsachila: This Project started thirty years ago when the Tsachila, Alfonso, Ramón, Juan y Primitivo Aguavil, who had learned to read and write Tsafiki with the linguist Bruce Moore from SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics), began to collect and process audio recordings of the Tsachila, with the help of Robert Mix from the Museum of the Central Bank of Guayaquil. The researcher Connie Dickinson joined this first initiative in 1994, and in 2003 they received generous funding from the Volkswagen Stiftung Foundation (Germany) and were able to start an in-depth documentation. The work has continued with assistance from the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities (US).The collection is currently made up of more than 200 hours of audio and video recordings of the Tsachila’s cultural practices. An electronic dictionary of  around 10 000 words has also been produced, which includes tri-lingual information concerning definitions, examples, grammatical information, photos, sounds and encyclopedic information.

Waorani: In 2011, the collaborative project Waorani started, involving the researcher Casey High, from Goldsmiths University of London, the north American researcher Connie Dickinson, and the young Waorani Ramón Gaba, Jorge Gaba and Oswando Nenquimo as native documentalists. The main objective of the project is to register cultural practices that cover a broad range of topics and contexts, from rituals and traditional stories to daily life conversations. The project also aims at producing a database including a lexicon of at least 6000 words as well as a grammatical outline of the language. The project will receive some funding from the Hans Rausing Endangered Language Fund, SOAS, London, during three years.


Revival project:

Shuar: During the 50s, the Salesian priest Siro Pellizarro collected hundreds of Shuar audio recordings which include traditional stories, songs and other material pertaining to the Shuar nationality. These recordings are of great historical value and recognizing the need to preserve this treasure, the recordings were entrusted to the young Shuar Tuntiak Katan and Connie Dickinson, in order to digitalize, archive, transcribe and translate these recordings; this project has funding from the National Science Foundation of the US.

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