Nahua Hell

Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra

For the Franciscans and their trained native vicars cum scribes, images became the most powerful mnemonic device to secure recollection of Catholic principles. To illustrate complex theological ideas, Franciscans mixed Aztec symbols in hybrid mnemonics. Take for example Valadés’ mnemonics for a Nahua Hell. Valadés depicted Satan as running an Aztec tributary state, with demons delivering guinea pigs, birds, jewellery and sacrificial captives. In the substrata below this tributary image, Valadés depicted sinners as Satan’s slaves.

Further reading
  • Carruthers, M. (1990) The Book of Memory (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press).
  • de la Maza, F. (1945) Fray Diego Valadés: escritor y grabador franciscano del siglo XVI (Mexico City: UNAM Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas).
  • Palomera, E.J. (1988) Fray Diego Valadés, OFM, evangelizador humanista de la Nueva España: el hombre, su época y su obra (Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana).
  • Spence, J.D. (1984) The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci (New York, NY: Viking Penguin).
  • Yates, F.A. (1966) The Art of Memory (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press).