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The webinar

This webinar was with Michael Beer, the author of Civil Resistance Tactics in the 21st Century. He presents slides about the range of nonviolent tactics used around the world and helps people understand how nonviolent tactics work (or don’t). The webinar was sponsored by the Regional Institute on the Study and Practice of Strategic Nonviolent Action in the Americas. The audience was primarily Spanish-speaking and for that we had simultaneous translation. Keep that in mind when viewing the video, it is primarily in English but does have some modest Spanish content. The event was also co-sponsored by International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (the publisher), FLACSO, Ecuador, Solidarity 2020 and Beyond, , Serpaj Mexico, Fundación Mambrú, LABO, and Creactivers.


Civil Resistance Tactics in the 21st Century

NVI continues to share our vast tactics database and knowledge to new audiences. You can download free English, Spanish, Farsi, Turkish and other languages here.


Civil resistance against the exploitation of natural resources

Acción Noviolenta en las Américas, Waging Nonviolence, and Solidarity 2020 and Beyond are co-sponsoring this webinar highlighting various civil resistance organizing efforts to stop destructive natural resource projects in Latin America, which are too often supported by wealthy elites, governments, and corporations at the expense of the lands, rights, health, and livelihoods of the grassroots people impacted.