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Tipo de material:    Publicaciones Seriadas
Colección:    Hemeroteca
Número de clasificación: Histoire Sociale/Social History/   Año: 2020   no.108 
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Université d' Ottawa; Carleton University
Histoire Sociale Social History.
Año: 2020   no.108

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Dee Povitz, Lana; High, Steven
Lived and Remembered: Social Change through the Prism of Activist Life
Dee Povitz, Lana; High, Steven
Le changement social à travers le prisme du militantisme vécu et remémoré
Mishler, Max
Thomas G. Young, Black Pragmatism, and the Routes of Social Democracy in New York City
Zembrzycki, Stacey
The Sinter Plant Boys: Jean Gagnon and the Personal Costs of Fighting to Compensate Sudbury Families
Amiel, Bastien
Agréger les marges: le Rassemblement démocratique révolutionnaire, ses militants et ses militantes (1948-1950)
Andreas, Troy; Kokinis, Araiza
The women of Casa Emma: Social Subversion and the Lives of Armed Anarchist Militants in Uruguay, 1967-1974
Beorlegui, David
Uchronic Lives, Emotion, and Temporality: The Radical Politics of the Basque Country, 1968-1982
Vickers, Simon
Trefann Court Revisited: The Activist Afterlives of John Sewell and Edna Dixon
Dee Povitz, Lana
Nourishing Progressive Ideals in Dark Ages: Boycotts at the Park Slope Food Coop in the 1970s
Corbman, Rachel
Biography as Method: Lesbian Feminism, Disability Activism, and Anti-Psychiatry in the Work of Seamoon House
Hearman, Vannessa
From Indonesia with Love: Friendships between Political Prisoners and their Pen Pals and the Creation of Human Rights Activist Networks
Mesbah, Jallal
Le pli du corps: les « carrières » militantes féministes Femen dans la France contemporaine
Lewis, Lynn
Love and Collective Resistance: Lessons from the Picture the Homeless Oral History Project

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