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Tipo de material:    Publicaciones Seriadas
Colección:    Hemeroteca
Número de clasificación: Histoire Sociale/Social History/   Año: 2017   no.102 
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Université d' Ottawa; Carleton University
Histoire Sociale Social History.
Año: 2017   no.102

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Bessière, Arnaud
« Faire une bonne et fidèle servante » au Canada sous le régime français
Brownlie, Jarvis
"Our fathers fought for the British": Racial Discourses and Indigenous Allies in Upper Canada
Hurlburt, Sarah
Kin Keeping and Family Storytelling in Nineteenth-century French-Canadian Immigrant Letters: The Bergevin Corpus
Nantel Bergeron, Dominique; Lévesque, Andrée
Louise Alphonsine Nantel, journaliste au tournant du XX siècle
Meren, David
"Commend me the Yak": The Colombo Plan, the Inuit of Ungava, and Developing Canada s North
Wall, Sharon
"Not ... the Same Damaging Effects"?: Unmarried Pregnancy, the State, and First Nations Communities in Early Postwar British Columbia
Lacasse, Simon Pierre
À la croisée de la Révolution tranquille et du judaïsme orthodoxe: l implantation de la communauté hassidique des Tasher au coeur du Québec francophone et catholique (1962-1967)
Halpern, Monda
" A spectacular incident ... had somehow eluded my attention": The Impact of Cyril Levitt and William Shaffir s book, The Riot at Christie Pits (1987)
Tortarolo, Edoardo
Cultural Turns and Trans National Studies
Freeman, Kirrily
Testing the Taxonomies of European Politics: Conservatism, Nationalism, Populism, and the Challenges to Liberal Europe

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