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Tipo de material:    Publicaciones Seriadas
Colección:    Hemeroteca
Número de clasificación: Histoire Sociale/Social History/   Año: 2012   no.90 
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Université d' Ottawa; Carleton University
Histoire Sociale Social History.
Año: 2012   no.90

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McPherson, Kathryn; Brooke, Stephen
Section thématique: Perspective internationale sur le football Thematic section: Global Football Introduction
Scott, Carl Gustaf
Djurgardens Fina Grabbar: Local Identities and the Cross national Transfer of Spectator related Football Violence
Mourlane, Stéphane
Italy, World Football Champion 1982: A New Risorgimento?
Frenkiel, Stanislas
La permanence de la condition d' immigré sportif africain. Une socio-histoire des footballeurs professionnels camerounais en France (1954-2010)
Regard, Laurent
Le don de soi. La valeur des tableux dans les testaments épiscopaux français (fin XVII-fin XVIII siecle)
Walby, Kevin; Haan, Michael
Caste Confusion and Census Enumeration in Colonial India, 1871-1921
Pécout, Christopher
Le sport dans la France du gouvernement de Vichy (1940-1944)
Carstairs, Catherine; Kruth, Sydney
Disability and Citizenship in the Life and Fiction of Jean Little
Saujani, Sheyfali
Empathy and Authority in Oral Testimony: Feminist Debates, Multicultural Mandates, and Reassessing the Interviewer and her "Disagreeable" Subjects
Marriott, Brandon; Vélez, Karin
A Round Table on Luke Clossey Salvation and Globalization in the Early Jesuit Missions

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