Consultas CEDEA

Evaluación de Políticas Públicas

[Artículos ] The Impact of Positive and Negative Income Changes on the Height and Weight of Young Children

BUSER T., et al. - The World Bank Economic Review , Volumen 31, Número 3, octubre de 2017, páginas 786– 808, 2016

We estimate the impact of changes in unearned income on the height and weight of young children in a developing country. As source of variation we use changes in the eligibility criteria for receipt of an unconditional cash transfer in Ecuador. Two years after families lost the transfer, which they had received for seven years, their young children weigh less, and are shorter and more likely to be stunted than young children in families that kept the cash transfer. We find no effect on young children’s height and weight two years after gaining the cash transfer. Information on household expenditures suggests that a reduction of food expenditures by households that lost the transfer is the main mechanism behind this finding.

Línea de investigación: Evaluación de Políticas Públicas

[Artículos ] Impact of two policy interventions on dietary diversity in Ecuador

PONCE Juan; RAMOS M. Jesús - Ponce J, Ramos-Martin J. Impact of two policy interventions on dietary diversity in Ecuador. Public Health Nutr. 2017;20(8):1473-1480. doi:10.1017/S1368980017000052

Objective: To differentiate the effects of food vouchers and training in health and nutrition on consumption and dietary diversity in Ecuador by using an experimental design. Design: Interventions involved enrolling three groups of approximately 200 randomly selected households per group in three provinces in Ecuador. Power estimates and sample size were computed using the Optimal Design software, with a power of 80 %, at 5 % of significance and with a minimum detectable effect of 0·25 (SD). The first group was assigned to receive a monthly food voucher of $US 40. The second group was assigned to receive the same $US 40 voucher, plus training on health and nutrition issues. The third group served as the control. Weekly household values of food consumption were converted into energy intake per person per day. A simple proxy indicator was constructed for dietary diversity, based on the Food Consumption Score. Finally, an econometric model with three specifications was used for analysing the differential effect of the interventions. Setting: Three provinces in Ecuador, two from the Sierra region (Carchi and Chimborazo) and one from the Coastal region (Santa Elena). Subjects: Members of 773 households randomly selected (n 4343). Results: No significant impact on consumption for any of the interventions was found. However, there was evidence that voucher systems had a positive impact on dietary diversity. No differentiated effects were found for the training intervention. Conclusions: The most cost-effective intervention to improve dietary diversity in Ecuador is the use of vouchers to support family choice in food options.

Línea de investigación: Evaluación de Políticas Públicas

[Libros ] Situación económica y ambiental del Ecuador en un entorno de crisis internacional

Martín Mayoral, Fernando y otros -

El libro realiza una revisión completa de la evolución de la actividad económica, social y ambiental durante los dos años posteriores al impacto de la crisis económica internacional en el país. Uno de los objetivos fundamentales de la obra es analizar la consistencia de las diferentes políticas públicas que han sido aplicadas por el gobierno de la nación, así como sus efectos en la economía y el ambiente en el Ecuador.

Línea de investigación: Evaluación de Políticas Públicas

[Artículos ] Gasto social en América Latina 1990-2010: estudio de sus determinantes y análisis de convergencia

F Martín Mayoral, M Nabernegg. - Revista de Economía Mundial, No. 40, pp. 67-90. (2015). DOI:

La presente investigación tiene por objeto estudiar los principales determinantes económicos, demográficos y políticos del gasto social en América Latina entre 1990 y 2010, a partir de un modelo autorregresivo de corrección de errores, utilizando estimadores MGM de sistema. Los resultados muestran que el nivel de gasto social, tanto agregado como en sus tres componentes (educación, salud y seguridad social), tienen una relación de largo plazo con la renta per cápita, la apertura comercial y de capitales, la tasa de matriculación primaria y secundaria, los ingresos tributarios indirectos y los regímenes democráticos. A corto plazo, el gasto social está afectado por el crecimiento de la inversión extranjera directa recibida, la estructura de la población, los ingresos tributarios directos, gastos corrientes y de capital y el déficit público. Asimismo se constata un proceso de convergencia beta de los países hacia diferentes estados estacionarios.

Línea de investigación: Evaluación de Políticas Públicas